
Guaranteed Safe Fixed Income Is Still Possible, If You Know Where To Find It

Guaranteed Safe Fixed Income Is Still Possible, If You Know Where To Find It

Why do retirees crave guaranteed fixed income? It’s simple. Retiring comfortably is having enough money to enjoy your lifestyle, without constantly having to worry about money. Prior to the 2008 bank bailouts, Certificates of Deposit and top-quality bonds filled that role well. Current interest rates are pathetic. At current rates, CDs and quality bonds are guaranteed […]

Make Bond Buying More Lucrative For You

Make Bond Buying More Lucrative For You

There have been periods in the past during which investing in bonds was interesting.  Some of the best books about Wall Street were written about bond desks in the ‘80s. These days though, the fixed income world is plagued by ultra-low rates. Much of the investment world has turned its attention to equities and other […]

Marion - Circa April 2017: General Motors Logo and Signage at the Metal Fabricating Division. GM opened this plant in 1956 II

Outperform Bonds By 50% With This Safer Trade on GM

The search for yield has been a long-term theme among investors, for more than a decade. Interest rates have been microscopic ever since the Great Recession, and many fixed income products have lost their allure. At first, asset classes like muni bonds and high yield corporate debt became the go-to products for those looking for […]

WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 15, 2018: Treasury Building entrance, headquarters of United States Department of the Treasury

Bond Yields Drop to 234-Year Low

The 10-year Treasury bond now yields 0.5% Last Friday, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note dropped to 0.520%. According to Deutsche Bank, that’s the lowest yield in 234 years. Whenever you see stats like this, know that someone is getting a little creative. What they’re doing is splicing data from other sources to come […]

Are Skyrocketing Treasury Bonds Still A Buy?

Are Skyrocketing Treasury Bonds Still A Buy?

On Monday, the major stock indices in the US were all down at least 7% for the day. It was the largest one-day drop since 2008, the year the Great Financial Crisis started. This time around it’s not subprime loans causing the meltdown, but a highly contagious virus and an oil price war. While stocks […]

Trade of the Week: High Yield Bonds

Trade of the Week: High Yield Bonds

The market continues to be ultra-volatile due to serious concerns over the global economy in the wake of the coronavirus. High yield bonds (aka junk bonds) tend to sell off during times of high stress as investors move to the safety of government bonds instead. This past week, someone bought a one-week put spread in […]

Dump These Bond Funds Everyone Else Thinks Are Safe

Dump These Bond Funds Everyone Else Thinks Are Safe

The recent, short-term, stock market crash has led to a “flight to quality,” which means money running out of stocks and into safe investments such as U.S. Treasury notes. Demand for Treasuries lifts bond prices, which has the mathematical effect of pushing down yields. Over the last two weeks, the yield on the benchmark 10-year […]