Author: Tim Melvin

The Simple and Profitable Alternative to Trading

The Simple and Profitable Alternative to Trading

Today, I want to follow up on last week’s article on trading. I am fascinated by the fact that so many people fall for the same sales pitches about trading systems that promise to make you millions of dollars with minimal effort and hardly any risk at all. The statistics on retail trading are readily […]

How the Pandemic Taught Us the Wrong Thing About Investing

How the Pandemic Taught Us the Wrong Thing About Investing

Here we go again. An article in Fortune magazine recently talks about the older members of Generation Z, those 20-somethings who have come of age in the era of financial crisis and global pandemics—and how they are trading much more than their predecessors. The article attributes their investing behavior to good old-fashioned FOMO (fear of […]

The One Thing Every Investor Needs to Have

The One Thing Every Investor Needs to Have

Today, I am talking with Ryan Kreiger of Freedom Day, an investment management firm with a great name and an even better idea when it comes to investing. Freedom Day focuses on high-quality dividend growth as the chief metric for identifying companies that can consistently deliver. Ryan and I talked at length about his investment […]

What Makes a High-Quality Stock, and Where to Find Them

What Makes a High-Quality Stock, and Where to Find Them

Last week I got to spend some time with John Davi and Frank Tedesco of Astoria Advisors. Astori is a firm that specializes in research-driven investing and offers two exchange-traded funds for public investors, as well as research for investment advisors across the United States. The firm’s latest offering is an exchange-traded fund that focuses […]

Prepare Yourself for the Market Reckoning

Prepare Yourself for the Market Reckoning

It does not matter which metric or statistic you use. Stocks are not cheap based on any empirically proven valuation metric. The S&P 500 P/E ratio is over 25—not the highest level ever recorded, but certainly on the high end of the historical scale. And the average P/E ratio of the stocks in the tech-heavy […]