Gold & Silver

Trade of the Week: Silver

Trade of the Week: Silver

Precious metals are generally used as defensive assets in times of uncertainty. This has certainly been true of gold in recent weeks. Now, it looks like silver may finally be joining the party. Silver prices jumped last week, with the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) moving up 5% in one day. With $7 billion in assets, […]

Got Gold? Is There Any Left to Buy?

Got Gold? Is There Any Left to Buy?

I recently interviewed Chuck Butler; what is going on and what can regular working-class people do to protect themselves financially? Mainstream Americans work hard to provide for their family and save money so they are not a burden on their family in their old age. It’s crime when government policies, using the excuse of a crisis, can […]

Is It Finally Time For Gold To Shine?

Is It Finally Time For Gold To Shine?

Investors are on the hunt for bargain stocks with Congress reaching a deal on a $2 trillion stimulus package to fight the economic damage done by COVID-19. For instance, on the day the stimulus package seemed likely to pass, the S&P 500 index shot up over 9%. That same day, gold futures soared, up nearly […]