Gold & Silver

Staying On Track for Silver’s Huge Run

Staying On Track for Silver’s Huge Run

We wanted to start off the year 2021 with one of the trends that we think will have a huge upside year. Today we’re going to go through three different ways that anyone from a retail investor to an options investor, even to an institutional investor could take advantage of a huge run with silver.

Trade of the Week: GDX

Trade of the Week: GDX

Gold miners have been popular this year among investors, but they can be even more interesting when covered calls or cash secured puts are involved. This past week, some sold January 2023 puts on VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX), a $16 billion gold miners fund. GDX doesn’t pay much of a dividend, so using […]

This Trade Gives You “Dividends” With GLD

This Trade Gives You “Dividends” With GLD

There are a few asset types that typically serve as safe-haven investments—assets commonly used by investors when they are concerned about the market. Whether the concerns are economic or political in nature doesn’t really matter. The most common safe-haven investments are gold and bonds. A third category that isn’t quite as popular is utility stocks. […]

Get Paid a 10% Dividend Buying Gold

Get Paid a 10% Dividend Buying Gold

My title at Investors Alley is Lead Investment Research Analyst for Income and Dividend Investing. My focus is on helping investors build sustainable, high-yield income streams from their portfolios. I don’t have much use for stocks that don’t pay dividends or bond funds with near-zero yields. However, I do see value in owning precious metals, […]

AAPL, AMZN Hitting All-Time Highs With Gold and GDX Following

Is Now the Time to Buy More Gold?

Gold has been around since the beginning of time. It sits in a lump, doesn’t pay interest; yet governments around the world hoard it, and investment pundits recommend we own some. As kids, we watched movies about pirates stealing it, governments fighting over it and women swooning when they receive it as a gift. Warren […]

Here’s the Trade on SLV For the Next Leg Up

Here’s the Trade on SLV For the Next Leg Up

After several weeks of slow and steady climbing, stocks have finally shown vulnerability over the past week. Tech stocks in particular have taken a pretty sizeable beating; however, most of the big-name tech companies are still solidly in the black for the year. Nevertheless, some of the best performers this year are seeing massive selling […]

Is Silver’s Correction For Real?

Is Silver’s Correction For Real?

The story of the last month or so has been the rise in precious metals prices. Gold set record highs at more than $2,000 per ounce. And while not at record highs, silver was up over 60% for the year at one point. Whether talking about bullion, futures, or miners, pretty much any type of […]