Revenue Increase

Sony Follows in Amazon’s Successful Path

Sony Follows in Amazon’s Successful Path

Japan’s entertainment and electronics conglomerate Sony Group (SONY) is about to hit a major milestone. In this fiscal year, its revenues will hit the 10 trillion yen mark (about $86.5 billion)—gain of roughly 50% over the past decade. That’s pretty darn good, and in sharp contrast to many of Japan’s conglomerates, where revenues have actually […]

When Do You Sell Your Dividend Stocks?

When Do You Sell Your Dividend Stocks?

When it comes to money, humans primarily react to the emotions of fear and greed. The effect of greed is to push investors to buy when prices are high, and fear triggers selling when investment prices are low. For most stock market investors, the goal is to buy low and sell high, yet the emotions […]