There’s no one-size-fits-all to retirement planning. In this guide, we’ll explain the best investments for retirement that you can consider.
A Guide to Finding Dividend Stocks for Retirement
It’s hard to imagine a peaceful and happy retirement without a stable income. Sadly, bank deposits and bonds — the two conservative investments with the most predictable cash flows — can now barely cover inflation due to ultra-low interest rates across the world. This leaves dividend stocks as the primary income-generating financial asset for retirement […]
If Not Now – WHEN??
My grandfather was a WWII Army Sargent, an uneducated farmer with a Ph.D. in common sense. One of the lessons he preached; the longer you ignore a problem, the more it will grow. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell never met my grandfather. This Schiff Gold article confirms my grandfather’s thinking: (Emphasis mine) “During a webinar sponsored by the […]
The Great Roundup
As a youngster, every Saturday we would head to the movies for a double feature of cowboy movies; all for the price of a quarter. Sandwiched between the storyline we saw scenes of cowboys rounding up cattle, herding them toward parts unknown. That was before McDonald’s, and we never saw them marching to the slaughterhouse. […]
Growth or Income? Dividend Investing Is the Best of Both Worlds
With dividend investing, you can compound returns and earn income to pay bills. Read on to learn how dividends can help fund your retirement.
Why CEF Stocks Are Worth Considering for a High Return
A CEF stock, or a closed-end fund, can offer investors a high dividend yield. Read on to learn what CEFs are as well as their benefits.
The Working Class Challenge
Shortly after publishing our article, “What Happens When All Our Wealth Is Gone?” I received a heartfelt letter from subscriber Bill C. He speaks for many concerned, hard-working people: “First, I want to THANK YOU for writing a top notch and informative newsletter. It is one of the few emails that I get that I read immediately […]
Guaranteed Safe Fixed Income Is Still Possible, If You Know Where To Find It
Why do retirees crave guaranteed fixed income? It’s simple. Retiring comfortably is having enough money to enjoy your lifestyle, without constantly having to worry about money. Prior to the 2008 bank bailouts, Certificates of Deposit and top-quality bonds filled that role well. Current interest rates are pathetic. At current rates, CDs and quality bonds are guaranteed […]
Do Annuities Fit Into the Perfect Retirement Plan?
My wife Jo had some CDs mature. If we renewed them at the current .4% rate, she would take an 80% income cut. She remarked, “That’s not enough income to pay the bills. We don’t want to tap into the principal each month to make ends meet.” What would be a perfect retirement plan? I […]
Your Retirement Plan Will Likely Run Out of Money Before You Run Out of Life
I recently ran across a special retirement report that included some shocking data. The report used historical investment results to help retirees project how long their savings will last. Of course, the hope is that your retirement savings last for the full length of your retirement. The scary news is that by using traditional investment […]