Author: Tim Melvin

family enjoying romantic sunset on the beach

Another Underappreciated Country for Great Value Stocks

Right after last week’s article was posted extolling the virtues of investing in one of the most geopolitically unstable regions in the world, I received the latest updates on global valuations. Turkey is still on the list of ultra-cheap stock markets. Turkey has a lot of risks, but with the market indexes trading with a […]

Three Value Plays from a Country You’ll Never Guess

Three Value Plays from a Country You’ll Never Guess

Everyone loves to play the prediction game. I like to play what is cheap, especially when looking at the world markets. Cheap markets tend to bounce and recover, especially if there is rule of law and a government that does not despise free markets and capitalism. Most of the countries that are cheap are going […]

How to Invest for Income in 2024

How to Invest for Income in 2024

2024 is upon us. By the time this hits your inbox, the ball will have fallen, “Auld Lang Syne” will have been packed away for another 364 days, and my dogs will almost have recovered from the sedative we have to give them because of the massive fireworks display our neighbors put on every year. […]

Two More Hidden Profit Opportunities Before 2024

Two More Hidden Profit Opportunities Before 2024

This is our final edition of Hidden Profit Report for 2023. All year, we have dug around in the corners of the market, looking for ideas that Wall Street and the traditional financial world overlook or just do not understand. Today, I want to leave you with two final ideas that have the potential for […]

Wall Street is Missing This Enormous Profit Opportunity

Wall Street is Missing This Enormous Profit Opportunity

Today, I have a stock for you that has the potential to deliver the type of long-term returns that would make the late Charlie Munger blush with envy. Its products are necessary for many industries. Doing business without them would have disastrous consequences. This company uses hundreds of engineers and scientists to develop and manufacture […]

2 Long Shot Investments to Start Your 2024 Off Right

2 Long Shot Investments to Start Your 2024 Off Right

This week, I want to continue to offer some long shots that have the potential for huge payoffs if they work. Some will. Some will not Please understand that these companies have the potential for massive gains over the next several years. They are highly unlikely to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams by […]