2024 Investment Outlook: Navigating Your Portfolio for Success

Markets, Strategies

We all know that technology stocks, over a long period of time of growth, tend to do quite well and generate a lot of alpha. 

So I wanted to give you some perspective of this as we slowly begin to round off the rest of 2023, and look forward to 2024.

This is the perfect time for factor analysis and exposure. I created a chart that encapsulates data and different factors from the past 10 years in relation (or relative) to the S&P 500.

What shouldn’t be surprising when looking at the chart is that we’ve had a 10-year outperformance of growth when compared to the S&P 500 – up about 30%.

Typically, this outperformance of growth tends to run for about a 10-12 year cycle – from what I’ve been able to decipher.

From this perspective, we’re getting to a point where after 10 years we might see growth begin to trade in line with the S&P 500 – it might even underperform.

So here’s what investors should do with their portfolios heading into 2024…

In today’s 2-minute video, I go over my 2024 investing strategy for my portfolio, what small caps might do at the beginning of 2024 and how to get a more balanced portfolio.

I release these weekly tips every Thursday for free, so stay tuned and stay subscribed here.