Why Those in the Know Are Bullish on Banks

Banking Industry

My talks with bankers and technology providers in Tampa last week emphasized how important deposits have become in the world of banking. Even the flashiest fintech companies were emphasizing how their products could help banks attract and retain deposits.

There was a lot of talk about how the industry is changing. Banking is now a digital industry, and firms that cannot keep up are going to have to consider selling out to a larger bank with greater technology capabilities.

While I was in Tampa, we also saw the recent bank rally begin to slow down somewhat.

Although clickbait hunters and instant experts may be selling, there are two groups of people who are getting very bullish on bank stocks.

In today’s video, I show you who they are – and why they’re right…

One is Wall Street analysts.

The other is banking insiders. Officers and directors have their checkbooks out and are going on a buying spree.

I also take a quick look at the recent bank loan and deposit numbers from the federal reserve and what they mean for smaller banks like the one we prefer.

It is far better than the headlines are reporting.