“Get Access To My Exclusive WEEKLY Paycheck Calendar…

And Start Enjoying $916 Or More In Extra Weekly Income…

In Addition To Your Monthly Dividend Paychecks!”

“I didn’t believe it at first. This strategy lets me collect as much as 93x more income from my reliable dividend stocks, it’s amazing.” 

– Tim Plaehn, Investors Alley

Dear Reader,

You’re about to see how to join my most elite group of investors with access to my new “Weekly Paycheck Calendar” strategy.

How it works is simple:

        1. Each week I alert you to a potential payday…
        2. You take 3 minutes to follow my step-by-step instructions…
        3. And that’s it! You’re now set up to enjoy a shot at $916 or more in extra income every week… on demand. 

      At first, I didn’t believe it was this easy either.

      But when you see firsthand the kind of income this strategy is able to produce… as simple and reliable as collecting dividends…

      You won’t be able to imagine life without this extra income.

      Quite frankly it’s impossible to go back to life as before.

      Just look at the recent results we’re enjoying:

                  • Week 1: $980
                  • Week 2: $1,145
                  • Week 3: $795
                  • Week 4: $1,070
                  • Week 5: $715
                  • Week 6: $770
                  • Week 7: $873
                  • Week 8: $918

      That’s an average of $916 every week…

      Add that up…

      And you’re collecting an extra $3,663 per month!

      I’ll show you examples of regular people collecting this extra weekly income right now…

      And that can soon include you.

      Because this is one of the most reliable sources of income out there… overlooked by most investors…

      In 2018…the calendar had a 94% success rate.

      In 2019…87%…

      In 2020…over 90%.  

      It’s extra income you collect every week on demand…

      And it’s paid on top of your current monthly dividend income.

      That means, if you’re collecting $1,000 every month with dividends… 

      You’d now enjoy on average $916 extra every week.

      How would that extra income change your future plans?

      What worries or stresses would go away by having an extra $916 week-after-week?

      For me, I use this extra weekly income to go on more trips in my camper, without stretching my dividend income too thin.

      You could use the extra income to travel more with your family and friends…

      Donate more money…

      And feel at peace knowing you have a reliable income stream that’s easy to hand off to your spouse and keep them safe.

      That’s why I don’t want you to miss out.

      If you want to stop leaving as much as $916 every week on the table in ‘work free’ income… please pay close attention.

      I’ll show you how to get instant access to the calendar…

      And details how it all works in just a moment.

      I promise it will be some of the easiest income you’ll ever collect, just a few minutes of “work” is all it takes to get started.

      But first, let me quickly explain how…

      After 30 Years Of Income Investing,
      One Phone Call Changed Everything

      My name is Tim Plaehn, I’m the lead investment research analyst here at Investors Alley.

      Chances are you already know me well as a subscriber to one of my popular services like The Dividend Hunter. 

      Readers know I collect tens of thousands every month thanks to simple dividend strategies…

      And I help thousands of regular folks do the same, folks like…

      Kevin G. who wrote me:

      “My income is now well in excess of $50,000 per year, and to date I have not had to touch any of it for living expenses.”

      Jim M. told me:
      “You have provided me with a new sense of confidence. I have invested just under $100k and my return percentage is higher than my financial agent can manage.”

      Matt S. emailed:
      “I have received enough income so that my wife was able to quit her job and stay home with our son. Without the income over the last couple years this would not have been possible.”

      But not long ago I received a call from a fellow investor…

      He’s a master at trading strategies I used to ignore…

      Because what he said to me on the phone made my jaw drop…

      And it’s why I’m writing to you now.

      He said, “Tim…

      “You’re Leaving $3,663
      Every Month On The Table…”

      I didn’t believe him at first, I thought it was BS…

      Here I was collecting thousands in dividend income… 

      Enjoying a free and clear life exploring the great outdoors…

      Helping my readers, often complete beginners, do the same…

      Yet we’re leaving $3,663/month, or more, on the table? 

      Something didn’t add up.

      But then he showed me undeniable proof… 

      And that’s when my “Weekly Paycheck Calendar” idea was born.

      In a moment I’ll show you exactly what he showed me…

      You’ll also be introduced to this special investor…

      And most importantly, you’ll see how to start enjoying as much as $916 paid week-by-week with this easy strategy.

      The catch?

      I can guarantee you get access to this calendar if you take action today… otherwise this page might be taken offline…

      So don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to enjoy…

      298% Bigger Yields Than Just
      Collecting Dividends Alone

      Because not only is this source of income reliable just like dividends…

      And can be collected on top of your dividend paychecks… helping you compound your wealth much faster…

      These yields are also much BIGGER than your typical dividend.

      Take for example Macerich:

      The typical Macerich yield is 5%, sure that’s nothing to scoff at.

      But the income my Weekly Paycheck Calendar helps you collect turns that yield into an eye popping 19.94%… 

      And as you’re about to see…

      With this easy strategy, that bonus income is paid instantly!

      That’s a 298% income boost…

      Simply by following my step-by-step instructions, and the buy and sell dates on this calendar.

      What would you do with 298% more investment income?

      That could mean an extra $200 or $2,000 depending on how much you invest — it can go a long way!

      And just like collecting dividends…

      You don’t have to worry if the market is up or down…

      The day you get paid is predetermined.

      I’ll cover how all of this is possible in just one moment…

      Plus introduce that special investor…

      But I want to make sure I’m being crystal clear first:

      No, this income strategy is not complicated…

      Yes, you can receive income instantly every week…

      And no, this strategy is not reserved for the rich.

      In fact…

      My Most Successful Readers
      Could’ve Started
      with Just $500

      Just look at what they wrote me:

      Leo M. says: 

      “I’ve been able to withdraw an average of $5,500 per month.”
      After just 24 months of collecting…

      That averages out to a whopping $132,000 in extra income!

      Impressive, right? 

      There’s a lot you can do with that kind of money.

      Spend it on your hobby, your spouse, your kids, all up to you.
      Or Lori B: 

      “[Tim’s] recommendations took my portfolio from $20,000 in annual payouts to about $50,000.” 

      Again, after just 24 months of steady collecting using this strategy…

      That’s a whopping $100,000 in extra income!

      $100,000 without having to get a second job… or try and fail with a bunch of risky investments.

      You simply collect this income like any ordinary dividend check, and enjoy the lifestyle that brings.

      So let me ask you…

      What Would You Do With
      An Extra $132,000?

      Picture two very different scenarios.

      Scenario 1: You choose NOT to use the Weekly Paycheck Calendar

      Your life ends up looking more or less the same as right now.

      If you’re collecting dividends now maybe your income will slowly rise every month…

      You’re feeling a little bit better about your retirement…

      But still, something’s not right.

      There’s a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you won’t have enough income needed to safely retire.

      And you’re worried what will happen when it’s time to hand off your investments to your spouse.

      I mean, what if the markets have another March 2020?

      It’s a stressful scenario… and potentially dangerous for your retirement hopes and dreams.

      But it doesn’t have to be that way.


      Scenario 2: You start using the Weekly Paycheck Calendar to add $916 or more to your income every week

      Again, I don’t know all the specifics of your situation, but here’s what I know for certain…

      You’d feel less stressed about your financial future.

      Every week you turn on your computer, and find an extra few hundred or thousand waiting for you in your account…

      This is money you didn’t really “work” for, it came easy…

      You just had to follow simple step-by-step guidance…

      It’s extra money that’s yours to spend however you like.

      And with $916 on average now coming into your account every week…

      On top of the dividends you’re already collecting every month…

      Your income is rising much faster than you originally planned.

      When you tell friends and family what’s happening, many don’t believe you.

      But when you happily pick up the check at restaurants, no matter the cost, they believe.

      Pretty soon they’ll be clamoring to know how you’re doing it…

      And you’ll tell them, “You won’t believe me, every week I follow a simple trade and enjoy extra instant income on top of my dividend checks.”

      The look on their face would be priceless…

      But it’s not about showing off.

      It’s about showing what’s possible to those you love.

      With weekly income, your life would change for the better.

      You’ll be less stressed… and more present when you’re out with friends and family. 

      They’ll sense the difference.

      The change in you will be magnetic and you’ll be an inspiration to those you love.

      That’s what it’s all about — and I want you to start living this life.

      No stress… no worry… just on-demand instant income every week…

      Believe me, the feeling is so stress-relieving it’s hard to describe. 

      Don’t worry, I’ll show you how the calendar works step-by-step…

      And give you a link to get access…

      But first, there’s something urgent you need to be prepared for…

      I believe you need to hear this before we go any further:

      Why Dividends Alone
      Are No Longer Enough

      As you know in 2020, we went from the worst crash in history… 

      To the biggest recovery in history…

      Unfortunately most folks missed out on the rally…

      In fact, for millions of Americans, 2020 was devastating…

      Pew Research found that half of adults who lost their job in 2020 are still unemployed…

      This likely affected you or someone you know and care for.

      The reason I bring all this up?

      Well, I don’t say any of this to put you in a mindless panic…

      (Believe me I think we’ve seen enough of that this past year.)

      But I think the writing is on the wall…

      The level of anxiety in the markets can no longer be ignored.

      And I think it’s my duty at this point to say:

      To keep your livelihood safe, you need to diversify and increase your income as much as possible starting now.

      Because that’s what insiders are doing at this very moment, and they often act as the canary in the coal mine.

      Consider the research data below:

      Insiders are selling shares left and right…
      This is the most bearish they’ve been in over a decade.

      In fact, you’d only expect to see this just 2% of the time based on past trends.

      That’s why I say your decision right here, and choose whether or not you want to collect extra weekly income, is so vital.

      BCA Research found that share prices right now are divorced from how the economy is doing…

      Even though the economy is not doing well… stock rise…

      But even more surprising…

      BCA Research discovered that share prices have almost nothing to do with the profitability of a company either.

      That means plenty of stocks are skyrocketing…

      Or plunging…

      Based on NO fundamentals… just randomness and social media.

      I hope you’re starting to sense that a big storm is on the horizon… this craziness simply can’t go on forever…

      And more income is always a safe hedge. 

      Cash is king.

      That’s why, as you’ll see in just a moment…

      I made sure this Weekly Paycheck Calendar works even if the markets are moving up, down, or sideways.

      And in times like these… where anything can happen…

      This extra income is crucial for battling uncertainty..

      It’s crucial that you have a reliable income strategy that you can trust in good times and bad, otherwise what’s the point?

      Because it’s looking like it will get worse before it gets better…

      Some experts even predict:

      2020 – 2029
      The Next “Lost Decade”

      It’s happened before…

      Investors in the dot com bubble enjoyed huge capital gains…

      As did investors throughout the 2010’s…

      But those gains were both wiped out in an instant.

      And while yes, the market recovered…

      History shows that more crashes could soon be coming…

      Consider that Leon Cooperman, a billionaire, recently went on CNBC and told us all…

      ‘Whenever you bought into the market at prices as high as today’s… you’ve never really made any serious money one year, three year, five years out.’ 

      Or more simply…

      Enjoy this bull market while it lasts.

      If you buy in now and hold, you’re likely to spend years in the red.

      That means chances are good we’re at the start of another long ‘Lost Decade’…

      I made sure the Weekly Paycheck Calendar is safe from this.

      Ray Dalio, founder of the $140 Billion hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, also thinks a ‘Lost Decade’ is all but guaranteed…

      And Ray’s not alone either…

      The smart folks over at Blackstone, with a whopping $554 BILLION assets under management, see it too…

      By this point I hope you’re seeing the bigger picture here…

      The signs are all around us… we’re in for a long, rough ride. 

      And I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…

      In Uncertain Times Like This
      Income Is All That Matters

      The only thing YOU can do to prepare is focus on income.

      You need to generate as much of it as possible.

      Put simply… Cash is KING.


      Because with this Weekly Paycheck Calendar you can secure weekly income regardless of what stocks are doing.

      They can go up, down, or sideways for all you’ll care…

      Your cash will continue to flow into your account week by week.

      Just follow the recommendations and profit 96x more:

      (More on how this works in just a moment).

      That’s why this message is so incredibly urgent… 

      After a year like 2020…

      This weekly paycheck strategy is more important than ever.

      It’s why I rushed to publish this message.

      The sooner you put this simple strategy into action and start collecting additional income every week…

      The sooner you can go back to a normal life, with a normal financial outlook. 

      You won’t have to worry about a dip in dividend payouts…

      Or choppy waters in the markets…

      Because unlike “safe” income strategies like dividends…

      These Weekly Checks Can’t Get Cut,
      Delayed, Or Reduced
      No Matter How Bad Things Get

      That’s why I consider it the ultimate backup option…

      Just think, $916 in extra income every week… 

      EVEN when times get tough… or the market is moving sideways… is hard to beat, right?

      So I hope you’re excited to get access to the calendar…

      When payday approaches…

      You’ll receive an alert telling you what to do step-by-step to place a simple income-generating trade.

      I handle all the heavy lifting for you.

      And to date, I’ve yet to see an income strategy that beats the speed, reliability, and size of these weekly paychecks…

      In 2020 we had an over 90% success rate…

      And if you average out these checks you could be looking at an extra $3,663 safe income coming in every month…

      I asked you earlier how that $3,663 would change your life…

      But imagine if you multiply that extra income year after year…

      Chances are, it would make a huge difference.

      You’d feel better… walk a little taller…

      And the last thing you’d care about is ‘checking the markets.’

      Your extra income would be secure no matter what’s happening.

      That’s why this can’t wait if you’re an income investor…

      Every Subscriber Of Mine NEEDS
      To Start Collecting This Weekly
      Income Before It’s Too Late

      But although you’re reading this now…

      There’s no guarantee my publisher will keep this page live any longer past today, there’s a lot at stake here.

      Which means only a fraction of my 14,000 readers will get access… that includes you competing for a spot.

      I’ll give you access in just a moment.

      First, you might be wondering if I’m abandoning dividends?

      The quick answer is no.

      If you’re a member of one of my dividend services I hope you’re enjoying the extra income…

      Maybe you even took part in my Forever Dividends Masterclass and set yourself up to retire off dividend income…

      I still believe dividend income should be the bedrock of your portfolio.

      But even with my strategies… 

      Which have been fine tuned for over 30 years to collect dividend income the safest and fastest way possible…

      There are still some holes.

      Holes no dividend investor can get around.

      Holes like…

              1. Waiting multiple weeks or months to get paid
              2. Relatively small yields that require years to add up
              3. Income that can be cut or reduced at any moment

      I built my services with these holes in mind…

      And the amazing results speak for themselves!

      But with how things are looking in the future…

      Dividends alone won’t cut it — every investor needs access to this just as safe, just as reliable, weekly source of income… 

      It puts control of your retirement back in YOUR hands.

      If setting up monthly dividend income is step 1…

      This is a much-needed step 2, especially now. 

      So if you’re ready for the step-by-step… and wondering…

      Where does this weekly income come from?

      Is it easy to get started?

      And who’s my mysterious investor friend that showed it to me?

      Then pay attention to what I say next…

      This Is The Secret To Collecting
      Thousands In Weekly Income

      The income this “Weekly Paycheck Calendar” strategy unlocks is simply staggering…

      There’s no other way to describe it…

      I’m talking payouts that are 93X higher than traditional dividends, as is the case with KMI…

      3x higher than traditional dividends for Verizon…

      46x more income than American Airlines dividends…

      And even a jaw-dropping 96x higher when you look at GDX…

      Again, I’m not telling you to stop collecting your dividends…

      Far from it…

      I’m simply saying, adding this weekly income IN ADDITION TO your dividend income can be life changing.

      But the reason this is even possible…

      And why I was stunned when my investor friend called me…

      Is because this strategy is so easy to do…

      Yet so few people actually know about it…

      The secret… is to sell options.

      I Didn’t Believe It At First…

      Like I said, I used to think options were a bunch of BS.

      But after talking with my investor friend…

      Who has decades of successful trading experience…

      And who I’ll soon formally introduce…

      I realized, options are incredibly misunderstood.

      See, there’s a good chance you’re thinking…

      Options are risky… options are expensive… options are gambling…

      Isn’t that everything you’re against as a dividend investor?

      And you’d be right.

      I AM against risky and expensive strategies…

      And that’s exactly what selling options is NOT.

      But it will take some effort on your part. Not a lot. But some.

      Most folks just aren’t cut out for it, they just want to sit back and collect dividends… 

      Which, don’t get me wrong, WORKS…

      But in times like these… this extra weekly income is crucial.

      So if you don’t want to put in a little more effort…

      To collect a LOT more income…

      Selling options is not for you.

      It’s clear you wouldn’t be a good fit to join my top readers with access to this Weekly Paycheck Calendar.

      Still here?

      Fantastic, I want you to keep reading.

      Because selling options may sound complicated at first, but it’s really not.

      In fact I consider it to be…

      The Only Proven Win-Win-Win
      Strategy In Investing

      Here’s how selling options works:

      (I’m sure you’ll be surprised at how easy it really is.)

      Let’s say you invested $50,000 into Verizon stock at $100.

      That’s 500 shares.

      And let’s also assume you’re collecting a 3% dividend yield…

      You’d be earning $1,500 per year in dividend income.

      See the problem?

      To pay off your initial $50,000 investment…

      You’d have to collect dividends for over 30 years!

      You have to speed up that process… but how?

      By selling options.

      See, let’s say someone thinks Verizon will reach $120 per share in the next 45 days…

      And let’s also say they’re willing to pay you a premium of $916…

      Just for the right to buy your shares at that price.

      There are only three scenarios that can then take place…

      And in all three, you’ll collect that $916.

              • Scenario 1 — Verizon stays at $100. You pocket $916, keep your shares, and continue to collect your $1,500 dividend.
              • Scenario 2 — Verizon goes to $120 within 45 days. You sell your shares at a $10,000 profit and keep the $916 premium.
              • In Scenario 3 — Verizon drops below $100. You lose value on your stock, but you still collect the $916 premium plus your $1,500 annual dividend. 

      It’s a win-win-win scenario!

      That’s why the folks who received these weekly paycheck alerts in 2020 enjoyed a 90% success rate… 

      This Weekly Calendar Is Right
      90% Of The Time

      You’d be hard pressed to find a better win rate.

      In 2018…we had a 94% success rate.

      In 2019…87%…

      In 2020… even during the crash… over 90%.  

      And if you’re lucky enough to get access on this page…

      You’ll soon have the chance to win on 9/10 of your trades too.

      The possibilities with that kind of win rate are endless…

      Put money in… get more money out… 90% of the time.

      It’s hard to beat.

      But if you’re anything like me… 

      I see a number like 90% and immediately call BS.

      We’re all skeptics, or at least I hope you are…

      I called BS the first time I heard it over the phone…

      But the reason I was convinced was because of the person on the other end of the line.

      A man with a trading record so legendary…

      He’s the only person I personally know that started trading on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange at a young age!

      He’s known to deliver massive trading profits on cue…

      Wins like…

              • VXZ = 367%
              • XLY = 170% in just a few days
              • WMT = 178%
              • DISH = 109%
              • FAST  = 233% as the market fell
              • GLD = 156%
              • XLB = 222%
              • ARNC = 70%
              • And…1,421% on ETFC

      Even in down markets like the start of 2020.

      It’s time for you to meet…

      The Investor Behind This
      Incredible Strategy,
      Jay Soloff

      When Jay told me about selling options…

      Including the win-win-win scenario I just walked you through…

      My jaw dropped to the floor.

      See, Jay is what I consider to be a master craftsman.

      We give that title to folks that work with their hands — carpenters, metal smiths, architects, you name it.

      But I consider anyone to master a skill a craftsman, and that describes Jay perfectly when it comes to options trading.

      He knows things even folks that have been doing this for decades don’t know…

      And if it sounds like I’m bragging for Jay…

      That’s because I am.

      If I don’t do it, he never will! Jay’s a real humble guy.

      His life is much like mine, loving outdoors and maximizing the time he gets to spend with friends & family.

      Before, Jay traded options professionally as a market maker…

      But today…

      Jay simply trades options for fun.

      Because when you can make money like this, it IS fun.

      Just hear from some of Jay’s loyal readers…

      “I have made 11 positive trades and two negative trades. Positive, net returns are $2,880 after deducting commissions. Thank you for your advisory service.”  

      – Don

      “I’ve won about 85% of the trades.. So your service has been a great learning tool for me and my trading. I try to do about $1,400 -$1,500 each week in revenue. More as my cash balances grow. 


      “Just closed out the NFLX [trade] for 5.10, an over 260% gain! Thanks for a great trade!” 


      “Thank you for the advice. Your call on Square (SQ) was right on. With a [bearish option] with QQQ and a [bullish option] with VIX, I profited about $2,000.” 


      Jay showed me how selling options can be a safe, instant income strategy…

      And if done correctly, you can collect income every week.

      So we got together to discuss how to tell our readers about it.

      That’s when the “Weekly Paycheck Calendar” idea was born.

      We decided to create a new service where Jay and I both spot a trade every week…

      Including step-by-step trading instructions for people that aren’t familiar with how to sell options…

      And update the service regularly with amazing training content… 

      That’s why I’m writing to you today.

      Introducing our collaboration… Weekly Income Accelerator.

      Your Invitation To Join
      Weekly Income Accelerator

      We’d like to extend this invitation now for you to join us.

      The folks in this service are our top readers, and we think you’d be a great fit.

      Together inside Weekly Income Accelerator

      Jay and I have delivered what we believe to be the best value service Investors Alley has to offer…

      We bring you weekly income alerts with high yields…

      Extra income that can help you weather the craziness we’re seeing in the markets…

      And income you can pile on to your dividend checks.

      (Not to mention — it’s just flat out fun to get our alerts every week, place a simple trade, and collect instant income!)

      And due to our combined success rate these past few years…

      We decided to approach our publisher with an offer that’s downright lopsided in your favor.

      Jay and I don’t want you missing out on our future recommendations any longer.

      More on how to join in just a minute…

      First, I want to break down some of the exclusive benefits you’re getting…

      Get Notified Instantly
      With New Weekly
      Profit Opportunities

      This is like having a heavyweight fighter in your corner.

      See, when you’re selling options…

      If you don’t know what you’re doing quickly, it can get messy.

      But we made sure you can toss those worries aside.

      We’ll walk you through every trade we recommend instantly to give you the best shot at securing profits…

      Including the price to buy at, and full step-by-step instructions.

      No matter your skill level or experience…

      You’ll feel safe with these alerts, and confident you’re buying in at the right time, and selling at the right time.

      You’re doing it all alongside us — and our other readers.

      Frankly, it’s exciting to be part of a group of successful investors… we’re all in this together.

      But the exclusive benefits don’t end there…

      You’ll also get a TEXT and an EMAIL as soon as trades are live.

      That way you won’t ever miss out. 


      Access to the Quick-Start
      “Instant Income Masterclass”

      This will get you up and running if selling options is something you’ve never done before.

      That’s because it’s a recorded video series…

      Showing you over-the-shoulder how to get started.

      You’ll discover…

                  • How to buy at the right time and sell for the most income possible (while reducing your risk)
                  • The quick way to get your account approved for options
                  • What is a ‘covered call’ and how to use it to multiply your income and profits
                  • Plus much more!

      This 3-part video series will show you everything…

      What to do…

      What NOT to do…

      And step-by-step what to do in your account to follow along.

      After digesting this Masterclass you’ll be far ahead of other traders trying to use this strategy on their own.

      You’ll be learning from a master options trader, you’ll know how to get right to the good stuff and earn weekly income.

      But that’s not all…

      Monthly LIVE Strategy Sessions
      With Tim and Jay

      And finally, I saved the best for last…

      See, lots of folks are concerned strategies like this are just too difficult to stay on top of with a rapidly shifting market…

      And if they win on a trade, or lose, it’s tough to see the big picture and how to plan ahead…

      That’s the purpose of these LIVE monthly webinars.

      You get to sit down with Jay and I as we go over everything:

                  • What the market is doing and how to prepare
                  • Lessons to be learned from past trades
                  • How to roll your profits into bigger wins
                  • How to profit on emerging trends
                  • And a lot more!

      Every month you’ll get the big picture on these live calls. 

      But that’s not all…

      Because like I said, this group feels like a big family…

      We want YOU participating alongside us.

      That’s why we recommend tuning in with questions.

      Because after all the live training…

      Jay and I love to host a long Q&A session to clear up any questions or roadblocks you may be faced with.

      You won’t ever feel confused or ‘lost’…

      We’ll guide you every step of the way, and answer any question.

      Now, I promised you an incredible price for all of this…

      A price that, when you see it, will be a no-brainer…

      Because I believe this package is unmatched…

      We’ve never offered anything quite like it…

      Let’s recap what you’re getting to show you what I mean.

      Here’s Everything You Get
      With Weekly Income Accelerator

      THREE to FOUR instant income opportunities sent to your inbox every month (with optional text alerts). We’ll give you the details of what price to buy at… when it’s time to sell… and how much profit you can expect on a set date… this is just like having a Weekly Paycheck Calendar you can rely on…

      Monthly LIVE webinars. Many folks find it tough to stay on track of their portfolios… it’s even harder now given how quickly the market can shift… with these fully condensed monthly webinars those problems disappear… simply watch the latest webinar every week and you’ll know exactly what’s going on with a birds eye view of your portfolio…

      Exclusive video training (including the 3-part “Instant Income Masterclass”). Learn how to sell covered calls as a complete beginner… you’ll see how everything works from start to finish… and learn how to take advantage of several advanced strategies, made simple to understand…

      Live Q&As with Jay and Tim (and any potential special guests). Ask us any question live at the end of our monthly webinars… we’ll give you the facts and won’t move on until you’ve received a good answer… it’s like a ‘group coaching’ atmosphere… so come ready with your most burning questions and we’ll answer them live along with any special guests we may have on that night…

      Exclusive bonus reports. To go along with the bonuses reports you’re already receiving as part of the Dividend Hunter… with this service you’ll get access to additional reports… showing you the ins and outs of this strategy… and how to apply it in these changing markets…

      12 monthly Weekly Income Accelerator newsletter issues. Read the exclusive monthly newsletter with a full analysis of our upcoming trades… you get to be the first mover on all the recommendations we put in each issue… 

      Originally our publisher wanted to charge $1,997 for everything here.

      So I told him, “Look, that’s a fair price, lots of folks would have no trouble paying for that… 

      But the market is crazy right now… and Weekly Income Accelerator readers are having no trouble making money…

      So let’s slash 40% off the price for a limited time to get as many new readers as possible to try this amazing service.”

      Here’s what I proposed:

      Just $1,197 for everything, plus the best guarantee we can give.

      It took some convincing… but our publisher finally agreed.

      With one small catch:

      This Exclusive Offer is Available
      On This Page Only…

      And Can Disappear Anytime

      So if you’re seeing this, it’s still available…

      But it could go down at any moment so pay close attention.

      Everything we just went over is yours for just $1,197.

      That’s the best price we’ve ever offered.

      The Way I See It, You Only Have
      Two Choices Right Now

      Choice #1 you click out of this page
      and don’t join
      Weekly Income Accelerator.

      This guarantees your life will stay the same as it is now.

      If you’re a member of my dividend services that’s not a bad spot to be in…

      You’ll still watch your dividend income compound every month…

      And you’ll have access to my famous monthly paycheck calendar…

      But with the pace the market is moving at…

      And with the volatility and dividend cuts we’ve experienced and will no doubt experience more in 2021…

      While your income will grow, it will be a rocky road.

      I’ll still be with you every step of the way, guiding you every month…

      But if you want ultimate peace and security it’s not the best option.

      Here’s what is…

      Choice #2: You pony up a small investment to join Weekly Income Accelerator right now and start earning weekly income on top of your monthly checks…

      Think about it:

      If you pocket $916 on average every week with this service…

      You’ll have paid for your price of admission by week 2!

      Tack on the guarantees…

      And I don’t see how this could possibly go wrong for you.

      You’re covered either way.

      You’ll have instant access to the best material Jay and I have ever put out…

      And 1-year access to anything else we add in the future.

      Plus our best trade recommendations 3-4 times every month.

      This income could soon be yours…

      You’re just one click away from securing your spot…

      But the time to act is NOW, you can’t risk waiting.

      This page could go down at any moment.

      Claim Your 50% Discount Today

      And we slashed 50% off the price…

      But again, my publisher made no guarantees this page would be up past today…

      In fact, it could go down any minute…

      The fact you’re still reading this now is a great sign.

      It means the offer is still available if you hurry.

      All you need to do is click the button at the bottom of this page to join and take advantage of this one-time-offer…

      A one-time-offer to collect weekly income for life…

      A one-time-offer to learn from 70+ years of covered calls experience…

      And a one-time-offer to join at our lowest ever price…

      … and with the best guarantees in the industry.

      You simply won’t get a better chance than right now to enjoy extra income in your portfolio.

      So if you’re ready to join…

      And get access to everything:

      A full 12 months of Weekly Income Accelerator access…

      All of our instant trade alerts… sent to you via text/email…

      LIVE training including the “Instant Income Masterclass”…

      Exclusive bonus reports and videos…

      Plus Q&A access to myself and Jay Soloff…

      Then I invite you to join by clicking the big ‘JOIN NOW’ button below.

      You’ll be brought to a secure order form where you can get started and secure this deal before it’s too late.

      Thank you for taking the time…

      And Jay and I both look forward to welcoming you inside Weekly Income Accelerator as our newest member!

Tim Plaehn

March 2021

Weekly Income Accelerator

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What happens after I click ‘Join Now’?

A: You will be sent to our secure order form to complete your order and get access.

All your information is encrypted and transmitted without risk using a Secure Sockets Layer protocol.

Q: If I’m not 100% happy with Weekly Income Accelerator, how can I use the money back guarantee?

A: Simply email us at [email protected] to cancel your membership and get a refund within the first 30 days, no questions asked. After that, we’re committed to working with you to make sure you’re a satisfied and happy customer. 

Q: When does my 50% discount expire?

A: As long as you’re on this page, it is still valid. 

The discount only expires once this page goes offline (which could happen as soon as tomorrow).

Q: How many trades do I get every month/week?

A: Jay and I send Weekly Income Accelerator members between two-to-three trades every month.

Oftentimes that works out to a new trade every week, which is why I like to call it a “Weekly Paycheck Calendar” strategy.

Q: Aren’t these the same trades I already receive as a member of your other services?

A: No, the trades inside Weekly Income Accelerator are not available in any other service.

These trades involve selling options (known as covered calls) for extra income on top of your dividend paychecks.

Q: What exactly is a call?

A: In the most simple terms, a call option will gain value as the underlying stock price moves up, especially when the stock price is above the call price. 

Traders buy calls to profit from an expected share price gain. 

Q: How are covered calls any different?

A: The strategy we use in Weekly Income Accelerator involves selling covered calls for income.

It works by holding a long position in a stock (think the reliable dividend stocks you already own)… and then selling call options on the same asset.

This lets you continue to collect your steady dividend, while placing trades that can earn you more income. Because you own the stock, the trade is safe.

To learn more I highly recommend you watch the bonus Masterclass we’ve included with your subscription.

Q: Are covered calls safe?

A: Yes, if done correctly. Weekly Income Accelerator makes the process just about as safe as collecting a dividend:

In 2018…we had a 94% success rate.

In 2019…87%…

In 2020…over 90%.  

Q: How much extra income can I collect?

A: You can collect up to $916/week or more on average.

That average is coming from our recent winners:

      • Week 1: $980
      • Week 2: $1,145
      • Week 3: $795
      • Week 4: $1,070
      • Week 5: $715
      • Week 6: $770
      • Week 7: $873
      • Week 8: $918

Q: Do I have to choose between dividends and covered calls?

A: No! You can collect from both sources of income at the same time, it’s a much faster way to reach your goals.

For example, look at what happens to the yield of American Airlines when you start selling covered calls:

You go from ‘putting up with’ a tiny 1% dividend yield to enjoying a over 50% yield thanks to covered calls, paid instantly!

Those are all the most frequently asked questions I receive about Weekly Income Accelerator

The window is still open for you to join and start enjoying this weekly income alongside us…

Don’t miss out!