4 Days to 4X Your Dividend Income

Live with 30-year income expert,

Tim reveals the fastest way to “boost” your dividends
during this turbulent market
in this exclusive LIVE Income Accelerator Event 

Follow along from your home computer! No need to leave the house!

Monday, Oct. 20, 2022 [TICKETS ON SALE!]
February 2022 [SOLD OUT!]


“Definitely a good way to go for retirement income.” – Mike G.
Give me 4 hours to a weekly income that’s seen 63 winners las year! Including a 95% win rate!
Have a shot at a great prize when you take action

Have a ton of fun in 4 hours over 4 days discovering how to create cash ‘out of thin air’ with stocks that pay $0 dividends.

Others pay healthy dividends, and you can ‘double up’ and earn double the income from one stock.

Learn how to spend far less time scanning for stock trading opportunities…and instead just generating cash…

Tired of your stocks trading sideways in this rough market and making $0 in a month. Take me up on this challenge and never have a “breakeven” month again…

Get a ‘baked in’ discount on your stock holdings especially as prices at record highs…

Act like a millionaire and build a second income stream virtually overnight.

Beat the stock market while others are in the red…

Can’t find a safe, secure place to earn a livable interest payment? … After all, inflation is higher than most banks are paying! Well, take me up on this challenge and you could be earning a far higher yield on your investments than even the highest yield dividend stock!

Value $2,000

Enrollment Ends Soon


Dear Future Income Earner,

Here is your chance to make 2022, 2023 and beyond the years of more income, more freedom, more time with your loved ones…

And it won’t take much time.

Start with just 4 hours over 4 days.

Because this will be the closest thing to snapping your fingers and money appearing in your account almost instantly. 

Give me just 4 days, you’re going to generate weekly cash (up to $941 with a $5k portfolio) this week using the simplest, fastest income strategy I know.

And I’m going to show you how. 

LIVE. On-camera. No cuts. No redos. It’s happening October 20th.

You’re not going to believe how easy it is to do this. In fact, you’ll kick yourself for not having created this extra income each week…because you’d be much richer.

Use your phone, or a computer… and if you have a brokerage account, that’s all you need to start.

I’m calling it the “4-1-1 Income Accelerator Event” and you’re invited. 

4 hours.

4 days.

1 life-changing trade.

A trade that will change how you view income.

It is the most ambitious project in our company’s 20-year history.

Because on-camera, you will see LIVE, income hitting your account. That’s a lot of pressure.

Starting with about $5,000, you could potentially double your $79 investment. 

That’s based off Jay’s average return per trade last year — including all winners and losers.

With $5,000, Jay’s highest winning trade would’ve handed you $941 in profits… that’s nearly 12-times your $79 investment. 

Imagine 12x-ing your $79 investment in the 4-1-1 Accelerator Event in one trade… and then being able to collect income every week for life using this strategy.

Mark wrote in: “Tim and Jay help juice my dividends. [Now, I have] Two ways to make income and I’m enjoying the ride. “

Or, you could do what all the experts say and put your money in an index fund like the S&P 500. 

Rather than collecting $941 in under a month as I did …you would’ve earned about $910 over 12 months following the so-called experts investing in the S&P…

If you want to wait 12 months…then ‘X’ out of this page. 

If you want to hear how to grab one of the 1,000 seats to generate weekly cash over the next 4 hours…listen closely.

Now, I know you think you’ve heard this pitch before.

But, this 4-1-1 Income Accelerator Event isn’t another newsletter or day-trading operation.

This is a one-time… interactive, 4-day experience to give you a simple skill for life…

Know with confidence how to generate cash every week. All online. 

My name is Tim Plaehn.

I’ve helped tens of thousands of folks like yourself generate more income. That’s my only goal and what I specialize in. 

Any way you can think of generating cash from the markets, I’ve tried and mastered it. 

And during this Accelerator Event, you’re getting all my secrets around my favorite ‘instant income’ play. 

Some of my readers have already collected income themselves, here’s what they said:

Jim claims: “Tim gives me confidence that our portfolio can keep growing and generating more income even if my wife has to take over management. It runs like clockwork.”

Lisa says: “Tim’s strategy is just what I was looking for, and now I’m on track to retire at 55.  I’m regularly collecting income, and I love it. Tim is very trustworthy.”

Samuel B wrote: “ You’re missing the boat if you’re not doing this stuff. If I could do everything all over when we retired in 2009, I would absolutely follow Tim’s… strategies.”

John says: “Generating income is… excellent because I can see 30% returns rather than 10% just investing in dividends.“

Give me 4 hours over 4 days, and you’ll go from income only from a job…

To now collecting cash at will.

I’m here guiding you, answering your questions, your concerns, I’m your go-to resource.

By the end of Day 4, you see when to close out your opportunity and the exact moment to open up the next.

Overall, you’re looking at about 1 hour per day to just watch the live training and complete the action steps. 

That’s 4 hours to learn a skill that you can use for the rest of your life. 

Imagine the income possibilities going forward. 

With just a few taps on your phone or your computer, and you’re done. No day trading. No reading charts. 

Just follow me during the 4-1-1 Income Accelerator Event and see everything. 

Click the button below to secure your spot on the next page. 

Only 1,000 seats are open…and some are already gone as you read this. 

4-1-1 Income Accelerator Event starts October 20th.

No late entries. 

The last time we ran this in February, we sold out!

Click the button below and start now. 

To your income, 

Tim Plaehn
Your leader during the 4-1-1 Income Accelerator Event

Who is Your Accelerator Leader, Tim Plaehn?

Hi, I’m Tim Plaehn. I’ll lead you through the entire 4-1-1 Income Accelerator Event.

I’ve dedicated the last 30 years of my life to helping regular people like you and me invest better. 

Early on as a financial advisor and stockbroker, I worked with families 1-on-1.

Today, I help tens of thousands of people generate the most income from the stock market through my popular newsletter, The Dividend Hunter

You won’t find me on the news going on about the ‘next Google.’ 

Instead, I’m speaking at small, close-knit financial conferences where I can sit down with you. Talk with you. And help you with your income on a personal level. 

I’m in the trenches with you building income that you need now. This week.

This is money you can use to grow your account size, reinvest in your favorite stocks or pay your bills.

Following my own advice allows me to live my dream life. 

At a moment’s notice I can drop everything and hit the open road in my camper heading to a new national park. No boss to answer to.

My goal is to get you to the same place.

What Others Say About Tim:

Before Tim, I tried trading on my own and lost $10-15k pretty quickly and realized I couldn’t do it on my own. 

Total in Tim’s services, I have about $540k in both

(his services)

– Joe P

We’ve used a financial advisor, but they don’t match Tim’s returns and research. Tim’s one of the most trusted people I’ve ever subscribed to. He’s as honest as the day is long. He comes across as a caring man and wants to take care of his subscribers

– James K.

I have subscribed to other financial newsletters…but felt they just wanted my money. But, I feel you are really concerned about helping us succeed financially.

– Mel K.

The income you have guided me in making will allow me to retire in 4 years.

– Donna H.


What is the daily schedule for the Accelerator? 

Just one hour per day minimum is necessary. Every single day of the 4 day 4-1-1 Event, I’ll hold a LIVE video going over the action steps for that day, the strategy, answering questions, and much more. 

October 20th – 1-hour live session

October 21st – 1-hour live session

October 24th – 1-hour live session

October 25th – 1-hour live session

October 26th – *SURPRISE*

All times for sessions — noon Eastern

What do I need to successfully complete the 4-1-1 Event?

You’ll need: 

  • A brokerage account open
  • You can start with as little as $7,000, but I recommend $25,000 to scale your income potentially beyond a few hundred dollars per week.
  • Willing to take action. No passive listening. 

Are there any refunds allowed?

I’m giving away too much for there to be any refunds. Only 1,000 seats available, and I can’t afford to give up a precious few to non-serious people who can’t afford $79. 

How do I access the 4-1-1 Income Accelerator?

After you secure your spot, you’ll receive an email with your login credentials. You won’t need to bookmark the page, as every day, I’ll send you an email with a link to the next session and any additional resource materials. 

Will there be any recordings?

No. If you can’t carve out one hour each day for 4 days, this isn’t for you.

How often can I collect income with this strategy?

You can honestly do it everyday if your account allows. For most folks, you can do it 1x per week to as little as 1x per month if you’re more conservative.



When you take action during the Event, those who do the best will receive a grand prize.

The criteria is simple and I’ll explain what it is on Day 1. 

This is not a lottery with random drawing. Only the very best attendee is eligible. And the best will be chosen.

Value $2,000

Make this year the best year yet for your income with an opportunity to create cash on demand! I challenge you to give me 4 hours over 4 days to show you how.

P.S. After you reserve your spot, stick around as you could also become a VIP Accelerator member who is guaranteed to receive the most attention and help. Plus, a special, private session not shared during the event. Sign up first for the basic 4-1-1 Income Accelerator, then grab a VIP spot after. (it’s a one-time offer).